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Quick Guide to Caring for Hearing Aids in Heat & Humidity

Man jogging and caring for his hearing aids in heat and humidity

Hearing aids have revolutionized the lives of millions of people with hearing impairments, enabling them to experience the world in all its vibrant sounds. However, these delicate devices require proper care and maintenance, especially when exposed to challenging environmental conditions like heat and humidity. In this blog post, we will explore the impact of heat and humidity on hearing aids and discover some effective solutions, including the use of products like Perfect Clean, to ensure your hearing aids stay in excellent condition and provide you with clear, consistent sound!

The Impact of Heat and Humidity on Hearing Aids

Heat and humidity can significantly affect the performance and longevity of hearing aids. Excessive moisture can damage the delicate electronic components inside the device, leading to malfunctions or complete failure. “I regularly see patients come in because their hearing aids are not working properly, and we simply have to let them dry out because the humidity and moisture has collected inside.”

Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can also cause the plastic casing to warp or crack, jeopardizing the structural integrity of the hearing aid. In hot and humid climates, sweat and moisture can accumulate on and inside the hearing aid, providing a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus, which might lead to infections and discomfort.

Tips for Caring for Hearing Aids in Hot and Humid Climates

  1. Use a Hearing Aid Dehumidifier:
    Investing in hearing aid cleaning products, like PerfectClean or PerfectDry Luxis an excellent way to protect your hearing aids from moisture damage. PerfectClean is a UVC disinfectant, electronic safe cleanser, and dehumidifier. These devices use gentle heat or drying agents to remove excess moisture, preventing it from seeping into the sensitive electronic components. Regularly placing your hearing aids in a dehumidifier overnight can help maintain their performance and increase their lifespan.

  2. Store Hearing Aids Properly:
    When not in use, store your hearing aids in a cool, dry place. Hearing aids should not be kept in the bathroom, given the moisture build up typical of that environment. Avoid leaving them in direct sunlight or in a hot car, as extreme temperatures can cause irreversible damage. Utilize a protective case to shield your hearing aids from environmental elements, and always remove the batteries when storing them for an extended period.

  3. Clean Hearing Aids Regularly:
    Clean your hearing aids daily to prevent the buildup of sweat, earwax, and debris. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe the surface and a small brush or a cleaning tool provided by the manufacturer to clean the microphone and speaker ports carefully. Additionally, Perfect Clean offers cleaning solutions that are safe to use and specifically designed for hearing aids, an excellent choice for hot and humid conditions.

  4. Consider Sweat and Moisture Resistant Hearing Aids:
    If you live in a particularly humid climate or enjoy active outdoor activities, consider investing in hearing aids with a higher level of water and sweat resistance. These specialized devices are designed to withstand moisture better and offer additional protection against environmental elements.

Tinnitus itself is not a disease but a symptom of an underlying health condition, and is often a reaction in the brain to damage in the auditory system. Although tinnitus is commonly associated with hearing loss, there are approximately 200 different health disorders that can cause tinnitus as a symptom. It is essential to consult a physician or hearing health professional to undergo a thorough examination to diagnose the underlying cause of your symptoms. Resolving the root cause may alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus in some cases.


Caring for your hearing aids in hot and humid climates is essential to protecting the life and longevity of your devices. By following the tips mentioned above, you can enjoy clear and consistent sound while protecting your investment in your hearing health. Remember, a little preventive maintenance can go a long way in ensuring that your hearing aids continue to enhance your life for years to come.

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